It's been a very, very long time since my last post, isn't it? So how're you hanging out there, guys? Hope your life for these past few months had been great, if not awesome. *smiles*
I couldn't say my past months had been that great. Well, okay, they're not awful either. Just busy. Yeah, like usual.
...Scratch that. It's not like usual at all! I had endure the most tiring, the most exhausting, the most-whatever-you-would-call-it months. I was a committee for one big event, I had a numerous assignments that almost made my brain damaged, my Deutsche course had been pretty rough lately, and, and..
But well, I have passed all of that! And now's the time for relaxing! Woo-Hoo!!

I'm planning on going to some place on the christmas and new year holiday. I want to go photo hunting, I want to feel the beach sands on my feet (after couldn't for some long time), I want to go away from the urban ruckus and relax my mind. I think I could go to Thousand Islands, Pangandaran, or better yet, Lombok. Hmm, which one, which one? :D
Enough of that. By the way, lately I am thinking of starting a business. Not that fancy, just a small business to add some money to my allowance account. *lol* I had a shoes shop on my mind, but considering that the capital is not very supporting here, i have to shift my mind to a craft shop. A handmade one. Wish me luck on actualizing this plan, m'kay~
Okay, for this time's bonus, I would like to share an Indonesian Recipe I really love. Enjoy it! :)
Ikan Bakar Kecap (Grilled Fish Sauted with Indonesian Sweet Soy Sauce)
Ikan Bakar Kecap (Grilled Fish Sauted with Indonesian Sweet Soy Sauce)
• 500 g gouramy/gurame fish, cut the body*
• 1 lime, take the water
Grinded Ingredients:
• 8 shallots
• 3 cloves garlic
• 3 pecan
• 1/2 tbsp finely pepper
• 2 cm turmeric
• 2 cm ginger
• 4 red chilies
• 1 tbsp oil
• 1 tbsp sugar
• 1 block Chicken Broth
• Salt to taste
Smearing Ingredients:
• 2 tbsp Indonesian Sweet Soy Sauce**
• 1 tbsp Margarine
How to:
1. Sprinkle fish with lime juice then leave for 15 minutes.
2. Rub fish with grinded ingredients on the entire surface of the fish body and the interior thoroughly. Leave for 30 minutes.
3. Prepare the grill, then grill fish until golden brown.
4. Smear the fish with the mixture of sweet soy sauce and margarine, continue to grill briefly.
5. Serve while hot with cucumber, cabbage and tomatoes.
* you can substitute the fish with tuna, salmon, or whatever fish you want. I myself love to change it to tuna, my fave fish. :D
** it's a thick, almost syrupy consistency and a pronounced sweet, treacle-like flavor due to generous addition of palm sugar.
credits to: Original Indonesian Recipe
Oh, wow, I'm drolling right now.. *lol*
Well then, see you on the next post, guys!
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