Monday, February 28, 2011

Another Day in My Little Paradise :)

'Allo guys! How have you been? :D

It's a quite lovely day today~ Woke up pretty early before the sun even rose and managed to spend my morning time watching Pride and Prejudice for the n-th time (I believe it's already my fifth or sixth time this year lol) while doing my elevenses tea-time 'ritual' as always. Then I chatted with my friends and did some blogwalking, and ended up entering three giveaway contests. Quite a great way to enjoy my life, eh? ;)

Btw, today I wore Molton Brown's Cool Buchu Eau de Toilette after shower. That kinda reminds me of the story about me and this 'lil fella. My dad brought it along with him when he went back from his work at Qatar (and I was also staying at my hometown for a while that time). I, being an ignorant person at times, didn't even see the packages and asked him if I could have it. Dad said yes and it fell right in to my possession.

The fragrance is really fresh, clean and, well, cool that I instantly head over heels with it even though it was quite a different addition to my collection (most of my perfume have these floral and other feminine traits). Later I know that this fragrance was actually made for MEN! Oh well, It already caught my heart and besides, I don't mind the tiny details. xD

Contains Guatemalan cardamom, zingy Italian tangerine and West Indian sandalwood. Visit here for more info.

Btw, I just bought three new books to keep me company this week, two Julia Quinn's and one Barbara Delinsky's. Here are what I got:
  1. (Julia Quinn) Ten Things I Love About You
  2. (Julia Quinn) Dance at Midnight
  3. (Barbara Delinsky) While My Sister Sleeps
Quinn has been my favorite author since some month ago and her works are getting more and more crowded on my bookshelf. It might not be a long time 'till I have all of her works, I think. *lol* I, on the other hand, have never had any chance to know Barbara Delinsky's work before, and that's why I'm giving her a try. I hope this one can make me go all awe to her works. :)

Currently I'm reading "Ten Things I Love About You" and I might finish it this night. ;) Okay then, I'm signing off now~ See you on the next post! :D

Hugs and kisses.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Hi guys!

So it's quite a time since my last post. Been thru a lot, but I can proudly say that I have achieved my title in Bachelor of Science last October (so I didn't graduate on July as I planned, but hell I don't care anymore). I am thinking of continuing my study to a master level but on the other hand I also need to try getting a real, I mean, REAL job now. You know, life expects me to do that as much.

Or maybe I could try doing stuff like freelancing or even start a small business so I can have the time to study? I don't know, yeah, maybe I can do that.

I'm thinking of starting a doll business actually. Preferably teddy bears. :)
I'm thinking of starting a doll business actually. Preferably teddy bears. :)

but I think designing and making shoes for living also sounds great.
but I think designing and making shoes for living also sounds great.

Ahem! Enough with the ramblings, a bit random here: I came to realize that I actually never have a real theme for this blog. I mean, how much people out there who want to read about rambling girl with no clear idea about what she talks about?

Now I can feel a frown forming on my face every time I visit my friends' blogs: they're doing fashion blog,techno-information, crafty-ideas, some of them talk about education and even politics! And they're doing great about it. You said I'm envious, yeah, I admit I am.

But, I really can't decide on what I should make this blog to be. Oh well, think I'll just try putting more useful posts starting now, not just some mere ramblings.

All the love and kisses. :)

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